Monday, November 18, 2019

Almost everybody I talk to has one thing in common. They would love to do a little better in some aspect of their life. That might mean having a better job or making more money or even having better relationships. A lot of times it can depend on what season of life you are in. If you are reaching retirement age, you may not want a better job but you may want a little more security with your investments. Newlyweds are probably happy with their marriage but want more income so they can buy a bigger house. Unfortunately though, few people ever achieve these goals because they refuse to invest in themselves.
I have some ocean-front property in Nebraska if you're interested.
You see, people are skeptical It is ingrained in our culture. We are taught not to trust and that everyone is just out to get us. So, although we would like to better ourselves and our lives in some way, we rarely take the steps necessary because we are afraid of getting ripped off. We are just sure that when we buy that eBook, about a topic that we really want to know about, that the person selling it is just trying to sell us a box of rocks. We have trained ourselves to believe that no one that REALLY wants to help us would try to sell us something. If they REALLY want to help us, they should just give us the information. But of course, if someone is giving us valuable information, we would never take it because if it sounds too good to be true, then it usually is. We have become so skeptical that we have questioned ourselves right out of any options.
Take a chance
What do we do then? We are just sure that everyone is out to get us who do we trust. Well, the answer is, take a chance and invest in yourself. If you want to lean about making money online, then buy the book or join the group. There is really no way that you will know for sure until you try it. Besides, being skeptical and thinking everyone is out to get you is the easy thing to do. That allows you to excuse your lack of achievement on the premise that everything is a rip off. That's the easy path. By spending money on products or training that you want or need is simply an investment in you. What you learn can never be taken away and you can draw on that information for the rest of your life. Very few material investments have that kind of value.
Successful people invest in themselves.
Successful people invest in themselves all the time. They buy and read books; they take classes, belong to groups and take action to achieve what they want. Are there times that they buy a product only to find out that it really was a box of rocks? Sure they do. But that is just part of the process. I have found that there are some really good products for sale online that were created by people that really do want to help. Do they charge for their products? Sure they do. But that doesn't lessen the value of the content. It just means that they are a pretty good business person.
You have to invest in yourself if you want to achieve your goals. The knowledge you need will not just magically appear. So take the class or buy the book or do whatever it is that you need to do. If you buy something that is junk, just learn from it and keep going.
Greg Gearlds invites you to check out his site [] for ideas, inspiration and encouragement for living a more simple life.
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