Thursday, November 14, 2019

Achieving Success: Ten Power Habits to Jump-Start Your Brain

"All men are created equal", they say, and some might think it's not true, because, obviously, there are some people who are born with sharp minds and the innate ability to absorb data and learn from their surroundings.. And others who seem to try and try and never reach their goals!
Yet statistics reveal that most successful people are stronger in EQ (Emotional Intelligence), BQ (Body Intelligence) and MQ (Moral Intelligence) than they are in IQ, and IQ doesn't predict success as much as motivation.
In fact, sometimes extremely intelligent people are at a disadvantage for achieving success in life because they tend to have difficulty in the social skills and self-confidence department.
No matter how much you might know, if you can't learn how to get along with other people, you'll never get anywhere in life!
Furthermore, many successful and well-known people have had no formal education:
Just to name a few: John Rockefeller, early 1900 billionaire with no formal education; John Glenn, one of the most famous astronauts in history, dropped out of college; Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple Computer, attended college for only six months, and the list goes on.
So now that you know your chances are just as good as anyone else's, what's holding you back from achieving success?
You know you have desires and beliefs pulling you toward your goals - toward abundance.
But as soon as you start to make any progress...
Your mind PUSHES you back!
So you feel like you're caught in this merry-go-round of life that won't let you get off and start achieving success. No matter how strongly you want to change, to improve who you are, what you own and what your stand for, your mind won't allow it!
Crap! Why would that be?
Because your subconscious mind is STRONGER than your goals, beliefs, passion... and even your action! It's like driving with one foot on the gas and the other on the brake. Your conscious desire to change is your foot on the GAS. But your brain's desire to NOT change is your other foot on the BRAKE.
So then what's the real secret to achieving success?
My suggestion is to use the power of habit to jump-start your brain. Without realizing it, we tend to think as we speak or act. If you let your brain just go off on automatic pilot, then, you're likely to be falling into detrimental habits that will keep you from achieving success.
"Successful people are simply those with successful habits."
- Brian Tracy: motivational speaker and author
Below are the ten Power Habits that will direct your subconscious mind towards achieving success...
1. Positive Affirmations.
The technique I advocate here actually goes further than simply stating an affirmation out load - the recent technique of incantations, taught by Tony Robbins, will actually transform your subconscious into believing, as you mind tends to follow your body.
2. Modeling after a successful person you admire to create a successful personality.
Align yourself with people who are successful in your field - attach yourself at the hip and study their every action.
3. Stay aware.
As you model yourself after someone who is successful and see yourself changing, stay aware of your new actions and take notes of how your friends, family and colleagues are drawn to you.
4. Personal development audios.
Utilize every minute of your time listening to audio books personal development - when you're driving to work, cleaning the house or any "brainless" activity. The technology of today enables us to download tons of stuff and listen on a smart phone or I-pod.
5. Clear your mind.
Mediate regularly and rid yourself of resentment (emotional clutter from the past) and fear (emotional clutter about the future). These are negative emotions that will keep you from achieving success! Focus on what your problem is or the person you resent, and say over and over in your mind, I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you". This is a must do exercise to clear your mind and keep from sabotaging yourself.
6. Change your vocabulary.
Most people in an effort to sound more significant tend to use negative words without even realizing it. For example, "I feel like I've been hit by a truck", or "I'm livid about this". When you use dramatic words like this, your mind will follow for your words and decide to feel like as you speak.
And, if you've been following the law of attraction, then you're aware that you must keep your feelings in check. So change the words you might use often to a different word - "peeved" instead of "livid" and "concerned" instead of "worried". This will actually have a positive effect on how you feel!
7. Put yourself first.
When you treat yourself with love, you start to feel more love for yourself. People often tend to put their goals and agendas ahead of yours. While being kind and accommodating to others is important, you're no good to anyone unless you put yourself first. When your feel "loved" which comes from treating your like you love yourself, then you're likely to be more loving to others.
8. Get clear in your mind what you want.
When you medicate, ask your higher self what you really want. Then focus on that and practice visualization. Discover your real passion. Put up pictures of the lifestyle you desire to live - and make sure it's what YOU want - not someone else's dream.
9. Align yourself with your own personal values.
Many times people buy into the ideas that "money is bad" or "money is the route of all evil". These thoughts ground into your mind from childhood will keep you from achieving success. In fact, they can cause "fear of success".
Remind yourself and stay aware of wealthy people who are doing good in the world.. To name a few, Warren Buffett, Oprah Winfrey, Bill and Melinda Gates all have dedicated vast portions of their wealth to philanthropic causes.
10. Live your life on purpose.
Stop thinking about the money and what you need to do in your journey of achieving success. Instead, focus on living your purpose by adding value to everyone around you. Remember to stay in a state of gratitude for all good things drawn your way.
The power of habit is unbelievably effective with changing your mindset towards achieving success.
As for me, I've chosen a journey of achieving success through a low risk business that will help me grow emotionally, spiritually, intellectually and financially - teaching me through Inner Circle and team training [] - audio and videos - with all types of personal development and people to model after. You deserve to have it all. When would now be a good time to start your journey towards achieving success? Click here [] to access a free video that explains how you can be a part of the system that enables you to earn while you learn.

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