Saturday, November 30, 2019

Quotes of the day...

Change your thoughts and you change your world.
Norman Vincent Peale

Everything Is Scary Before It Happens

Quotes of the day...!

"Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right. "

Henry Ford

Mindfulness and Meditation

Mindfulness is not just a way of thinking about others and their state of mind, but it can also be used a form of meditation. Using Mindfulness Meditation allows you to focus on the moment, becoming aware of your senses and what you are feeling right then and there. When you are able to focus just on that particular moment, there is no need to try to interpret things or make judgments about how you feel.
You are simply present.
If you have ever studied Eckhart Tolle or other spiritual teachers, you realize that the present moment is all that actually exists. The past no longer exists, and the future has not yet come. So focusing, being mindful, of the moment, can help you relax and eliminate stress.
Think about all the time we spend planning for, or worrying about the future, thinking negative thoughts about the past, worrying about all the things we need to do - pick up the kids from school, make dinner tonight, pay the bills, etc. All those things are draining and can even be exhausting. When you are able to be mindful, you are able to put those things away, and focus your attention on the present moment, which reduces your stress and anxiety. Mindfulness meditation can be very powerful!
For years, spiritual teachers and their students have been practicing meditation, and espousing its benefits. Now, thanks to advances in modern science and medicine, there are actually many clinical trials that scientifically back up these claims. It is amazing that for hundreds of years people have known that meditation works, but there is always a certain percentage of the population that needs to know how and why before they will believe it.
There are so many studies now that provide empirical data as to the how and why of meditation, and its effects on the body and brain. Those studies are so diverse that they need to be in a separate article on their own. But suffice to say that the overall evidence of these studies show that meditation is effective for reducing stress, anxiety, pain, depression, and even a host of "medical" conditions and disease.
There is probably no such thing as too much meditation, especially if you are struggling with any of the issues previously mentioned. Studies have shown that there are certain times of day when meditation may be more effective than others. Those times are when the brain is emitting certain waves that enable it to be more receptive to suggestion and meditation. Books have been written on that topic alone, but for our purposes, for most people that time is before you go to bed, or right when you wake up in the morning. During those times your brain is emitting the proper waves and producing the proper chemical to allow the mist benefits from meditation. But as Dr. Joe Dispenza says, "There is no such thing as a bad meditation."
The best way to develop your mindfulness meditation routine is to practice, practice, practice. Do so, and you may be truly amazed with the results.
If you want to live life to the fullest, then can help! Roxanna Teeling is a Relationship Coach specializing in individuals, couples, and relationship issues. She not only has two mental health master's degrees and two undergraduate mental health degrees, but she is also a Certified Relationship Coach from the Tony Robbins/Claire Madanes training institute. Roxanna strives to help you address and improve the concerns you have individually, with families or as a couple, by implementing techniques that fit your goals and values. 

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Quotes of the day...
Change your thoughts and you change your world.
Norman Vincent Peale
Quotes of the day..

Don’t gain the world and lose your soul, wisdom is better than silver or gold. 

Bob Marley

Friday, November 29, 2019

Quotes of the day...!

"Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve."

Napoleon Hill

Fear: Shift From "Fear Everything and Run" to "Face Everything and Rise"

Fear is a primal survival mechanism. Our reaction to fear is the same whether it's a physical threat (such as a bear chasing us) or an emotional threat, such as the fear of being rejected, judged, embarrassed, or ridiculed. The fear feels real and can prevent us from working toward achieving our goals.
Why Fear Feels Real
The hippocampus is the area of the brain that stores real or perceived threat signals. It stores the threat signals in our long-term memory and responds to potentially dangerous stimuli before it has all of the facts. This is typically based on our past history or past hurts. While it's important to keep ourselves safe from physical danger, responding to an emotional threat before taking time to discern if we're in real danger can cause us problems.
When we are feeling fear, our sympathetic nervous system is activated and causes our amygdala, located below the hippocampus, to initiate a Fight, Flight or Freeze response. When in the Fight/Flight/Freeze mode, blood rushes from our prefrontal cortex (the logical part of the brain) to our arms and legs and our thinking goes out the window. The stress hormone, cortisol increases. We don't feel a sense of safety, satisfaction, or connection.
We are most effective when our parasympathetic nervous system is activated which results in a calm response. We have an increase in the feel-good neurochemicals, dopamine, oxytocin, and serotonin. This is when we feel a sense of safety, satisfaction, and connection. Our needs feel met, our body and brain default to its resting state allowing them to repair and refuel. We recover from stress easily and our problem-solving ability goes up. We want to be around other people, our health improves, and we become more resilient.
Face Fear and Rise
The challenge with fear is to identify whether something is a real threat or an imagined threat. We can activate the parasympathetic nervous system, calming our amygdala and become rewired for love, not fear using these neuro-tips:
  • Practice gratitude - Write down 3 things that you're grateful for every day for 30 days. Expressing gratitude can get you out of your head, boost your happiness and increase your effectiveness, according to life coach and author, Mel Robbins. Gratitude boosts the neurotransmitter dopamine which is vital for both physical and mental wellbeing. Gratitude also boosts serotonin, the feel-good hormone and neurotransmitter. Can't think of anything to feel grateful for? Just the act of searching for something to feel grateful for produces the result.
  • Catch your negative thinking - Be thoughtful about what you think about throughout the day because you're laying down neural wiring or strengthening neural pathways. Another technique when you catch yourself thinking negatively resulting in fear is Mel Robbins', "5 Second Rule." Simply count backward 5-4-3-2-1 to stop the amygdala from hijacking and kick your prefrontal cortex into action.
  • Practice mindfulness - First, recognize when fear arises. Observe the feeling of it in your body. Describe verbally what you are feeling. Notice how the awareness which contains fear is really never fearful. Keep separating from the fear with your awareness and allow the fear to pass like a cloud.
A few other tips to reduce fear includes: talking with friends, getting a hug, or holding a mug of hot tea. These activities will release the neurotransmitter oxytocin which decreases feelings of fear. Try any or all of the above tips the next time you feel fearful and let me know how it worked.
Joan Runnheim Olson is passionate about learning and understanding how the brain works and uses that knowledge to empower and inspire her clients and students to transform their lives from stuck to unstoppable and live their best life ever. She also offers a course titled, "Introduction to Brain Based Coaching: Leveraging Neuroscience for Greater Impact with Your Coaching Clients." This course is designed for those who want to understand how the brain works to facilitate positive change with their clients and themselves through improved thinking.

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Thursday, November 28, 2019

Unlock The Unlimited Power of Your Mind Today!| Ed Mylett & Dr. Joe Dispenza

Quotes of the day...!

"Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm."
Winston Churchill

How To Be Successful In Life - The Underlying Principles of Success

Everyone wants to achieve the highest level of success. However, reaching that desirable level of success is not as easy as most of us perceive. To be successful, you have to sacrifice and forego majority of life's pleasures. Below is a list of seven guaranteed ways to be successful in life.
1. Do what you love
Unfortunately, most of us end up settling for jobs or careers that do not offer maximum satisfaction. Put simply, it is important to understand your passion and pursue it with all your energy and resources. The greatest regret held by a majority of the elderly is settling for what they did not love. To avoid having regrets on most of your early life decisions, be sure to pursue your passion. Doing what you love will ensure you remain passionate and highly motivated in your day to day activities regardless of the income. Be sure to discover your true purpose and work hard to achieve your goals.
2. Identify with a successful individual
As you look to achieve your dreams and initially set goals, ensure you remember that success has no secret recipe. It is advisable to identify with a successful person in your field of interest, and do whatever your mentor does to achieve his or her level of success. Once you have a role model or a mentor you associate with, it becomes easier to emulate the positive traits while learning from your mentor`s mistakes. Pick up the positive habits and ensure you avoid the mistakes made by your role model. By emulating a successful person, you increase your chances of succeeding exponentially.
3. Anticipate failure of disappointment
Good things never come easy, and if they do, then they probably won't last. Do not anticipate a smooth sailing in your journey to success. Instead, be ready to pick yourself up whenever you experience failure or disappointment. After all, successful people are characterized by their ability to remain hopeful even in their greatest disappointments. Therefore, regardless of how many times you fail, ensure you remain optimistic and confident in your ability to succeed.
4. Practice makes perfect
No one can succeed without commitment and adequate practice. To achieve the highest level of success in your respective field, it is necessary to take your time to practice until your skills become flawless. Contrary to popular belief, success is attained by maintaining a high level of consistency. Thus, to enjoy success, you must be willing to put time into strengthening your skills through constant practice.
5. Plan
Unfortunately, most of us assume that success happens overnight. However, success more often than not occurs as a result of adequate planning and organization. To achieve your set goals and targets, it is crucial to have a plan that will act as a guide. Successful people know what to do and when to do things; they just don't go about doing everything simultaneously. As a result, be sure to take your time and adequately plan for all your milestones. Set a schedule and observe it to the latter. Once you have a plan in place, it will be possible to measure your progress and consequently ensure that everything goes according to plan.
6. Be true to yourself
As you embark on your journey to success, it is necessary to understand that the biggest obstacle to success is yourself. Procrastination never helps; in fact, all it does is rob you off the time that you would otherwise utilize to achieve your goals. Therefore, ensure you are hard on yourself. That is, avoid procrastinating or letting yourself off the hook whenever you lack the motivation to do an important activity. Without self-discipline, it is impossible to achieve your set goals.
7. Enjoy the journey
Always keep in mind that everyone has an independent journey and purpose. Avoid comparing yourself to others as aimless comparisons can derail your development. Be patient and ensure you reward yourself every time you achieve your goals or initially set milestones. Indeed, it is only through self-love and appreciation that you can achieve the highest level of success. As such, give yourself treats and rewards that match your achievements. Remember, if you do not appreciate your achievements, no matter how small, then no one else will.
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* 7 Traits of Successful People and * 7 Step Blueprint to Rewiring Your Brain for Success Now + 365 Personal Development Tips

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Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Abraham Hicks: Financial Well Being Meditation

How To Let Your Light Shine Bright | Lisa Nichols | Inspiring Women of Goalcast

Quotes of the day...!

"If you can dream it, you can do it"
Walt Disney

Message From the Universe: The Magic of Feeling Great

"Last night, I was dreaming of you, again.
You were radiant, confident, and light beamed in every direction from the core of your being. Music followed you, angels serenaded you, and everyone was elevated by your presence. Wisdom shown from your eyes. Kindness emanated from your touch. And your power was simply awesome.
You looked, well... pretty much... exactly as you do right now.
The Universe"
So you have the Universe on your side. If it can see the potential in you, plenty of doors are soon to open up to guarantee your ultimate success. Everywhere you go, people are looking up with admiration, asking for advice and certainly will consider your knowledge as you have proven to the world the type of genius you are. Keep on moving forward no matter how much you are struggling as it is just temporary. Keep on feeling like you have won the lottery and walk with your head held high. Life has a way to help you change your perception about reality, the good and the bad, the hard and the easy, the pretty and the ugly and everything else that surrounds it. As long as you do not allow it to bother you too much, you will certainly get closer to your ultimate happiness.
It is sometimes hard to comprehend living the life of the rich and famous especially when starting from humble beginnings. No one can really fathom the time and energy that it takes to get to that level. The determination and sacrifice required can sometimes be hard to believe. It is only people like you and the ones who succeeded who can understand what it takes to make it out there. So when you look at where you are today, which may seem to be not much, learn to not give up as it may time some time to look at from a Penthouse on 5th avenue and remember all of what you went through to be where you are today. From this point forward, you may appreciate life and be thankful for everything you have now and what you will have later. Always be grateful for the humble beginnings as it makes you a humble famous and rich individual at the end.
Dr Dan Amzallag, PhD, MBA, CLC
Author/Inspirational Speaker/Life Coach
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Tuesday, November 26, 2019

TONY ROBBINS: How to Find Yourself When You're Feeling Lost (PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT)

Quotes of the day...!

"Everything you can imagine is real" 
Pablo Picasso

The Power of Positive Thinking in Your Life

Positive thinking gets a bad rap these days. You may have heard it said that this kind of thinking doesn't help because it is just thought, and doesn't do anything tangible. You may have also heard that this way of thinking is just a fad, and it only makes you "feel good" but does not really help. You may have even heard that it actually works against you because it is not grounded in reality, and it distracts you from what you should be doing.
While all the things mentioned above may have a sliver of truth, the more complete truth is that a positive attitude is essential to making any change in your life. Let me explain. Everything in our lives is made of thought.
Everything. Now I am not saying that the tangible universe does not exist. If you stub your toe on a chair leg at two in the morning when you get up for a glass of water, you would probably be certain that the chair exists, right? But our experience of the world and the universe is completely made up of our thinking about it. In other words, the only way we can experience anything is through our thinking.
Do you see what I am getting at here? The world may be "out there", but our experience of the world is "in here." The world we experience is completely our thoughts in the moment. Our experience of the world is subjective. Now that does not mean that you can have positive thoughts and nothing bad will ever happen to you. I can almost guarantee that the most cheerful person in the world will still get rained on if they are in Edinburgh, Scotland in November. But here is the key point, how you feel about the rain, how you internally experience it, is up to the way you are thinking.
Look at the points I am making from another angle. If you have an event of any type, a person who has consistently negative thoughts as their way of being in life will have a very different experience than a person who has consistently positive thoughts. I am not advocating a "Pollyanna" "Everything is Roses" attitude while the roof of your house is coming off in a hurricane, but I am saying that you might want to consider the way that your baseline thoughts change the way you feel or experience everything. In other words, pay attention to what is beneath any feeling you have. After all, some psychologists believe that all emotion springs from thoughts, whether we are aware of the thoughts or not.
Obviously, "positive thinking" can mean different things to different people. This is not a one-size-fits-all world we live in. We are all unique in our experiences, which is why some people are formed with a more or less positive way of viewing the world, and others are formed with a more negative view. I am not saying that either way is bad, just that they are different ways of experiencing what is "out there" in the world.
Here is a concept that may seem radical to some: The way you think is a skill that can be changed with effort. That means, if for whatever reason you are not satisfied with the way you think, experience the world, or feel, you can work to change the way you are thinking and experiencing the world. In some cases, this can be as simple as the realization that thought matters and that you have control over the way you think. In other cases it may be that you have to put in consistent effort and self-reflection to understand the way you are thinking because so much thinking is automatic and we are not even aware of our thoughts.
So what can you do right now:
- Be aware of your thinking and use your feelings as a guide. When you have a feeling, pause and consider what thought is beneath the feeling. Where did it come from?
- Once you find the underlying thought that is beneath the feeling, ask yourself if the thought is actually valid. If it is not, wait for a better thought. Yes, wait, because a different thought that is likely more valid will come, and when it does, focus on that one.
- Practice consciously having positive thoughts. The simplest way to do this is not to try and drive out negative thoughts, but rather to focus on positive things and consider all the things in your life that you are grateful for, and the people or experiences you have had that are positive.
- Spend more time doing things that make you happy and bring you joy.
Changing your thinking to a more positive trajectory is not impossible, it just takes an awareness that it can be done, and some effort. The key point is that living life from a more positive orientation gives you the energy to make positive changes in your relationships, your health, and your work. Don't discount the benefits of being more positive until you give it a chance.
There are numerous research studies that show that people with a positive attitude are healthier and happier. It makes sense when you think about it, If you are positive, you are more likely to make positive changes in your life. Your relationships are generally more positive, and your social network is stronger.
Small things add up when you are making changes that move your life in a positive direction.
You do not need to change everything overnight. Do one small thing and then go from there. Don't beat yourself up if you fall back into a negative mindset from time to time. We all do, The key is to get back up and start again,
Eventually, small changes will happen and your outlook on life can change. Positive thinking can work amazing changes in the way you experience life. Why not give it a try.
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Monday, November 25, 2019

Quotes of the day...!

"Action is the real measure of intelligence"
Napoleon Hill

Inner Courage - The Key To Living Without Regrets

While most of us aspire to live a life we won't regret, many do express regrets at the end of life. If we could address the things we may regret now, we can focus on living the remainder of our lives with greater satisfaction.
I believe that regrets really stem from a lack of courage. We tend to regret the thing we did or did not do, because we lacked the courage to do it. We may have been too afraid of consequences, or the unknown, or what others may think. And so we settled for less, compromising our potential to live small lives of quiet desperation, as Henry Thoreau said, dying with our song still unsung within.
Regret-free living takes courage: it is as simple and as difficult as that.
Our lives are shaped by either courage or by fear. When we live a live true to ourselves, there will be others who judge us; voices that criticize us for stepping out of the box or label us as crazy. Fear of this dissonance often holds us back. To live fully and without regrets, we need the courage to follow our hearts, even when others may not understand our choices.
In fact, it is none of their business! Each one of us is fully responsible for our own lives and choices. When we choose to go beyond the comfort zone of the collective in order to grow and realize our full potential, that is a courageous decision that deserves support, not criticism!
It is this courageous process of stretching that develops elastic in our souls so we can extend further, believe more, and accomplish better outcomes. Courage to commit to our unfolding path is essential for a satisfying life. And nobody knows better than you what that means!
We need courage to break with norms, to expand beyond the confines of our tribe, and to let go of external expectations and pressures. Courage empowers us to fully live from our hearts, and to stay in touch with our true compass and purpose.
People at the end of life can teach us valuable lessons about living from their perspective at the end of the road. Bronnie Ware, an Australian caregiver who worked in hospice care, identified five core regrets among dying patients which can teach us a lot about living well.
  1. Not staying true to self
Look at a person disempowered and miserable about their life circumstances, and you will most likely find someone who never had the courage to break away from dysfunctional family dynamics. And if we lack the courage to make that primary break away from dysfunctional caregivers, we will end up staying put in jobs we dislike, putting up with abuse and lack of respect in relationships; we will ultimately abandon the opportunity to fulfill the purpose of our lives. To break free from any dysfunction, the discomfort of doing what is needed to be true to oneself must always outweigh the illusionary comfort of avoiding risk.
  1. I wish I had not worked so much
People who work all the time develop no identity outside of work. Workaholics have no time to develop in other areas of their lives and when their work drops away, they have nothing else left. Developing healthy interests outside of work allows us to refresh ourselves; it also brings renewed energy to our work lives. Finding that space outside of work is an essential, enriching aspect of life often seen only seen in hindsight.
Deriving status and identity from our work can trap us into a role defined by society rather than by our individual truth. My mother was convinced that I should become an actuary - can you imagine how miserable I would have been in a profession that would have locked me into my left brain?? Another trap is buying into the scarcity thinking of the ego and never feeling as if we have enough money to follow our dreams or step away from a job we despise. Do you have the courage to let go of what does not bring you joy, so you can move toward what does?
  1. I wish I had the courage to express my feelings
Many dying people long to express their feelings to loved ones, yet never had the courage to do so. Fear held them back. They were crippled by fear of rejection, fear of being misunderstood, or fear of being vulnerable... The list goes on. We need courage to speak our truth - and when we do, we free ourselves to live from our core truth, regardless of how others may react. Having the courage to be honest with oneself, is vastly more important that how others receive it because it gives expression to our vital life force. Suppressing our truth ultimately suppresses our life force.
Expressing our truth in a compassionate and kind way, creates space for healing and compassion. We don't have to make another wrong just for us to be heard. We simply need to express our truth - not for justification or to attack others, but for our own healing. Everyone is at a different place on their journey; at times, it may be helpful to write out feelings to another because it allows us to distill our truth while giving others the opportunity to revisit our expression when they are ready.
Expressing ourselves also requires us to become good listeners, because communication is a two-way street. Our honesty and vulnerability can allow others to feel safe enough to express their feelings. Being present with others in a kind, non-judgmental way allows them to share without fear. Can we listen deeply to the people in our lives? Can we find the courage to say the things that need to be said?
  1. I wish I had stayed in touch with friends more
At the end of life, memories of happy times and friendships enrich one's life. And yet, most people's lives start narrowing down after kids leave home. The comfort of confining themselves to the same routines, friends and circles can lead to stagnation. Stepping out of earlier roles such as parenting can be a stepping-stone toward broadening relationships and connections, rather than narrowing them. If we expand our friendship circles throughout life, we can offer enrichment to one another even as old friends and relatives drop away.
Sometimes, the desire to maintain a safe personal comfort zone prevents people from getting involved in the messy business of true connectivity. I have seen people withdraw from opportunities to help because seeing another in a difficult situation, made them feel too uncomfortable with their own tenuous sense of stability. Life is messy and true connectivity requires the willingness to get one's hands dirty! True joy is found in real life connections; not on social media or from the comfort of our easy chairs. When we have the courage to connect with people face to face, we ultimately experience enrichment and joy.
  1. I wish I had let myself be happier
This regret stems from not understanding that happiness is a choice. We often look for happiness outside ourselves with self-imposed conditions: if I lose 10 pounds I will be happier; if I could just find the right partner, or make enough money, I'll be happy. The truth is that happiness is a choice. It is an empowering internal decision that we can make regardless of where we're at in life!
When we choose to honor the truth of our Being, we will find happiness.
We are in this life for a limited time only. This life is going to end, and it is the only life we will ever get to live as these unique beings that we are. This life is precious and sacred: how can we then live to make it really count?
Our greatest joy, highest power and ultimate fulfillment lies in facing the fears that hold us back. We can muster our courage and live from the truth in our hearts. Imagine how much we lose out on while operating from fear and other people's rules!
To live a courageous life, we've got to stretch in ways that may be uncomfortable. Perhaps you've heard this from a fitness trainer or yoga teacher, because it's true in all areas of life: we need to stretch to grow, improve and get strong. And growing in courage means taking risks in the very areas where we feel afraid.
Everyone already has times in life when they've been courageous. You may have displayed great courage in a relationship or a job. Perhaps you didn't recognize it as courage at the time; you were merely doing what had to be done. Yet in every situation where your acted courageously, you valued the discomfort of change more than staying in the comfort of the status quo. You might have been terrified, but you did it!
You can take courageous action again. Once you know what motivates you, you can do it again. Let your core values motivate your courageous actions. Practice letting your courage ripple out into more and more areas of your life, and you will live a life without regrets.
Ada Porat is a kinesiologist and pastoral counselor who founded Stillpoint Holistic Services, a center for healing and transformation that serves clients around the world. 

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Sunday, November 24, 2019

Quotes of the day...!

If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan and guess what they have planned for you? Not much. 

Jim Rohn

The Law Of Attraction - Is This The Whole Story?

You may well have heard of the Law of Attraction, a concept that infers that like attracts like. But what does this mean? For me, it means that if you wholeheartedly want something (and you do something about manifesting it) chances are that you'll get it.
But does the concept really work?
As a Life Coach I am hot on forward thinking and working towards what I call 'ideals'. An ideal is simply something positive that you want to see happen - it's a vision, a mission, a purpose, a goal.
A number of years ago I compiled one sheet of paper that contained my overall life purpose, my vision, my goals and a list of projects stemming from those goals. Everything I wrote down came from deep within me, and had been an integral part of me for years.
I have been looking at that sheet of paper almost daily since compiling it without thinking too much about how the things on the sheet were going to manifest.
The reason why I refer to the sheet so often is simply because it makes me feel good. It directs me and stirs me in a positive way. In short, it represents everything I want to manifest in my life.
More recently I attended a meeting with some colleagues and we talked about developing an enterprise. As the discussions went on I realized that much of what we were talking about resembled what was on my sheet.
On returning home I looked at the sheet and laughed. Practically everything I'd written down was covered in the meeting. This happened not because I was pushing my own agenda. It happened naturally because we were all of the same mindset with similar aspirations and wanting to achieve similar life and business goals... like attracting like.
I've now realized that everything I've aspired to may come to fruition by default if our enterprise is successful.
So does this concept of attraction really work? Yes I think so!
Now you could say that nothing I've put out there has yet come to fruition. This is true. However, the meeting showed me that things are already beginning to shift.
If I hadn't produced this sheet I doubt whether the conversation in that meeting would have gone the same way. I may well have been more easily led by the others around the table, because I would have had no real perspective of my own.
By clearly articulating my purpose, vision, goals and projects, and referring to them on a daily basis, my subconscious mind is already recognizing opportunities that will help to make these a reality. That meeting (and the subsequent enterprise idea) is one of those opportunities.
I do believe, however, that there are certain caveats to the concept:
Windows of Opportunity
Once you've clearly and specifically established where you want to go, windows of opportunity begin to open for you. It is for you to grab those opportunities and immediately take the action necessary to achieve your goals. Otherwise, those windows eventually close and the opportunity is lost.
Letting Go
I also believe an important element is that you let go of the outcome. Be OK with achieving your goals and aspirations, and with not achieving them. This is because, in my view, becoming desperate about your achievements pushes them away. Becoming more relaxed about them increases the chances of you achieving them. For me it's also about recognizing that your aspirations may not always manifest in the way you envision them - and being OK with this.
Giving It Time
I also think it's important to give yourself the time you need to manifest your ideal. Specific timeframes focus and galvanise you into action. However if those timeframes are unrealistic they could have the opposite effect. You may feel that if you've not reached your goal within the timeframe you've set yourself that you've somehow failed.
Allowing yourself the time to mature with your vision and grow to become the kind of person who can make it happen may well increase the chances of you succeeding.
So yes I believe the law of attraction works if:
· You're clear and specific about precisely what you want
· You focus daily on what you want
· You take full advantage of the opportunities that show up and do the work that's necessary
· You let go of the desperation and...
· You give it time
Carmen Gilfillan is the founder of Stimulus Development & Training. Stimulus is dedicated to helping people raise their game, fulfil their potential and and live their best lives. We do this through Life & Wellness Coaching, Energy Therapy consultations and training in the areas of personal, professional and spiritual growth. 
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Saturday, November 23, 2019

Friday, November 22, 2019

Quotes of the day...!

"It always seems impossible until it’s done"
Nelson Mandela

We humans are full of passion, happiness and always desire freedom. The freedom comes in different forms, stages and with conditions. When we were children we wanted to be free to choose for ourselves and our thoughts had the freedom to roam about and had no boundary. We were always told to put a break on our freedom because society would not allow free thoughts. When I look back at my Childhood period I always have fond memories of it. I always had the feeling of freedom and happiness. My passion knew no boundary, and I had the freedom of choice.
But today everybody is busy and has too little free time. Everybody seems to be rushing about and busy with important work. They have forgotten what it is like to be free? The passion has gone, happiness does not matter. Their importance comes from the work they do. It does not matter if work they do has no charm and is miles away from their passion.They are no longer free, freedom means too little to them.
Our freedom, our passion, our happiness are the words losing their meaning very fast. Economic freedom is a dream that is too far away. They have shorten their reach of attaining their goal. Their thoughts have no longer the feathers to fly away in the sky. Economic freedom is no longer to be measured with hard work. Hard work can bring food on the table, roof over your heads, dresses to wear, basic education but it can not bring economic freedom.
India was a slave country for about 100 years. People of India went about their work because they have been under the rule of Maharajas (tittle meaning kings) for about another 200 years. One ruler had taken the place of another ruler. Then came a great man named Mahatma (meaning sage) Gandhi and taught the real meaning of freedom. India got its freedom and with it Indians got their happiness, freedom of thoughts and right to choose their work and follow their passion.
In our daily life also, One boss takes over our freedom from another boss. We think that by changing companies, we have improved our life. In realty we have lost our freedom to another boss. If we want to be free, have our passion back, we have to be our own boss. We have to write our own destiny and follow our passion. Then we can achieve economic freedom and happiness.
The Six figure Mentors have been teaching persons to be able to set up and run online digital marketing business for more than a decade. They have achieved unforeseen goals with their students and are best mentors in business.
If you want to be independent and follow your passion, happiness, we will happily welcome you in our community. We can promise that you shall never be alone trying to achieve your goal.
You can turn your passion into your work and help others learn the value of freedom.
Your hard work, time and money put in the business will decide your earnings.

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Interview With The Devil - The Secret To Freedom And Success - Napoleon Hill

Quotes of the day...!

“Success is doing what you want to do, when you want, where you want, with whom you want, as much as you want.” 
– Tony Robbins

Thursday, November 21, 2019

After This You'll Change How You Do Everything! - Tony Robbins

The Secret of Happiness - Wisdom of the Ages and Modern Sages On How to Achieve Happiness

What is the secret of happiness? While we may say "to each his own," we can also draw from the wisdom of the ages, and modern sages, to find some of the timeless principles of happiness. With that in mind, the most effective way I've found to improve happiness is to own your happiness and grow happiness right under your feet. And the beauty is, you can start your happiness journey from wherever you are.
10 Ways to Achieve Happiness
Here are 10 ways to help you on your happiness journey:
  1. Drive from Happiness. Ultimately, happiness is a decision to drive from. One you flip this switch, you actually set the stage to find excuses to be happy instead of excuses why you are not.

  2. Count what counts. Sometimes it's the little things that count the most. Don't let the good stuff pass you by, simply because you didn't notice. A simple way to do this is end your day by thinking of three of your favorite highlights of the day.

  3. Focus on what's right, not on what's wrong. If you tend to walk into a situation, asking yourself, "What's wrong with this picture?", then challenge yourself to start asking, "What's right with this picture?"

  4. Don't dwell on things. Dwelling is disempowering. To empower yourself, find a new way to look at the picture, and find some simple actions you can take. Action increases your power and momentum, and it's a way to break out of self-defeating patterns, and find new happiness habits.

  5. Have a short-term view, AND a long-term view. You may not be happy in the moment, but will you be happy in the long-run? This is a fulfillment question. Sometimes the best you can do, is all you can do, and that's one way to make the most of any situation.

  6. Model the best. Find people in your life that have that sparkle in their eyes, and that skip in their step. What comes naturally to them, may not come naturally for you. Get curious, and find out what makes them tick and how they deal with common scenarios. Get curious, and you'll find many people like to share what they are good at, including happiness... and it's contagious.

  7. Spend more time in your values. First you have to get clear on what you value. For example, maybe you really value freedom, or maybe it's adventure, or maybe it's time. Spend more time in what you value, and you will start to improve your happiness. You don't always have to change "What" you do. Sometimes, you can just change "How" you do it. For example, if you like to learn then find a way on the job to learn a little more about what you do, as you do it.

  8. Eliminate or embrace the stuff that holds you back. Sometimes that means accepting things as they are. Sometimes it means, not accepting it and directly addressing it or finding a way to make the most of it. If there is something that significantly holds back your happiness, then face it, and make it a project. Sometimes the best way to increase happiness is to reduce the things that sour our life.

  9. Set your own happiness bar. We don't all walk around as rays of sunshine, blue skies, rainbows, and unicorns. The trick is to find what happiness means for you, and be OK with that bar, rather than beat yourself up if it seems like somebody else has a higher happiness capacity than you. That just might be their temperament. Instead of go against, the grain, work with what you have, and always remember that happiness is a personal thing.

  10. Make it a skill. If you think of happiness as a skill, then you can continue to add to your bag of tricks, and get better over time. You can draw from books, people, and quotes to build an arsenal of happiness tools that you can use for any scenario. And, like any skill, you'll get better with practice. Additionally, if you have setbacks, always remember that happiness is a process, and you'll grow your skills, as you expand your happiness capacity and capabilities.
Have a Short-Term View and the Long-Term View on Happiness
Perhaps, one of the greatest insights of our modern times on happiness is that happiness should be addressed by two questions:
  1. How happy are you?
  2. How happy are you with your life?
The first question is about how happy are you in the current moment. The second question is more about fulfillment. While you may not find happiness in your moment to moment experience, you may be able to turn your challenges into opportunities and work on personal fulfillment and meaning. In this way, you write your story forward, and you can shape happiness for the long run.
Russell Bertrand on the Secret of Happiness
My friend, Dr.Michael, shared with me his thoughts on what Bertrand Russell believes about the secret of happiness. It went like this... "Bertrand Russell believes that unhappiness is largely due to a mistaken view of the world, that happiness is a basic human right - something to be pursued. He concludes that happiness lies in a personality" neither divided against itself nor pitted against the world' and the ability to swim with the 'stream of life'."
Wisdom of the Ages on the Secret of Happiness
To round out your perspective on happiness, you can draw from the wisdom of the ages, and modern day sages. You don't have to climb a mountain and ask a guru about the secret of happiness (although that could be fun.) Instead, you can gain deep insights from some of the various happiness quotes that help us find the secret of happiness. Here are some quotes that help us understand what truly is the secret of happiness:
  1. "Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action." - Benjamin Disraeli
  2. "Happiness cannot come from without. It must come from within. It is not what we see and touch or that which others do for us which makes us happy; it is that which we think and feel and do, first for the other fellow and then for ourselves." - Helen Keller
  3. "To be truly happy and contented, you must let go of what it means to be happy or content." - Confucius
Find Your Way Forward
At the end of the day, the best you can do is drive from who you want to be and what experiences you want to create. You can use this rule, in all that you do, as a guideline to help you shape your way forward, and find meaning and happiness in whatever adventures life may throw your way.
J.D. Meier shares principles, patterns, and practices for happiness at Sources of There you will also find a more extensive collection of happiness quotes at a glance.

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Tuesday, November 19, 2019

6 Time Management Tips to Get More Done | Brian Tracy

Quotes of the day...!

- how you do anything is how you do everything

T. Harv Eker

Think about it... Everybody wants more money

Take a moment to think about it...
You see, everybody wants more money, right? But not many have the means to fulfil that want.
And after working and toiling for endless hours, and still getting nowhere close to their financial/money goals… what happens next?
Resentment. Anger. Fear. Towards money.
It's human nature.
So if you feel this way, it's not your fault. You're only human after all.
But here's the thing: Money is actually an "innocent victim" of your negative emotions!
Money is neutral. It doesn't take sides.
Those who don't have it, fear/resent/are angry at it. Those who have lots of it, love it.
So what can you do to turn your negative feelings about money, into positive?
Have lots of it of course!
(excerpted from the Jim Rohn One-Year Success Plan - Week Two)
Hi, Jim Rohn here and welcome to Week Two. Again, what an exciting opportunity to be able to take this next step together on our one-year journey.

1. The Invitation - We looked at the possibilities and I challenged you to accept the invitation to join me on this unique journey of self-development and discovery where you'll set and reach higher goals, go for your dreams, change certain unpleasant things about yourself and make a significant difference in the lives of others.
2. The Plan - This week we'll talk about the plan. All good things in life are upstream, but the natural flow of life is that downward, negative pull. To combat that downward pull, you need a plan, a map to help you reach your desired destination. We'll talk about the plan and break down the keys to creating and following a successful plan.
3. Association and Influence - We are affected by everything around us, including what we read, what we watch, who we talk with and who we spend time with. It all plays a part in how we view our world, our relationships, our opportunities but mostly ourselves. Next week we'll discuss the importance of our associations and the influence they have.
4. Learning and Education - All 12 Pillars of Success we'll be studying over the next year will involve personal development, becoming a student and learning. This is the foundation -- one of the basics or fundamentals to becoming more, to having more and to doing more, and we'll cover this key aspect in two weeks.
Bonus Point - Personal Development is about having a Celebration; creating your own unique, only-you-deserve-it-because-you-did-it, one-of-a-kind celebration!
We will cover each of these 4 points in depth this month. Last week we discussed the invitation, and now this week I congratulate you on accepting this invitation to be, do and have more in your life. The Bible says if you search you will find, and that is what you and I are in the process of doing. We have accepted the invitation to be seekers so that we can now be finders of the better things that life so openly offers to those who choose to partake in the process. This next year, let's see what we can do with the soil, seed, sunshine, rain and the miracle of possibilities to turn what we have into a life filled with the equities of treasure, family relationships, enterprise, gifts galore and everything that you want.
Now let's move on to this week's topic - The Plan.
As we all know, our results are only as good as our plan. Mr. Schoaff taught me that it's not what happens that determines the major part of our future, because what happens, happens to us all. Instead, he taught me that the key is what we do about it. If we start the process of change by developing a plan, doing something different in this next year than we did the previous year, it won't matter how small those efforts start. Start doing different things with the same set of circumstances - the ones we've always had and cannot change - and see what miracles occur.
If we start the miracle process and change ourselves, then everything changes. And here's what is interesting, the difference between success and failure is so subtle. Let me explain by giving you my definitions of failure and success. Here it is: Failure is a few Errors in judgment repeated everyday. The man says, "Well I didn't walk around the block today and it didn't kill me, so it must be okay." No, no, it is that kind of error in judgment, t
Now, here is my definition of success: A few simple Disciplines practiced every day. Do you see the distinction? A few disciplines... Here's a little phrase we've all heard, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." And my question to you is, "What if that's true?" How simple and easy is that plan?
The fact is, when you look at successful people, you will almost always discover a plan behind their success. They know what they want, they work out a plan that will get them where they want to go, and they work their plan. It is the foundation for success. We as humans have the unique ability to affect change in our lives; it is through our own conscious choice when we engage in the miracle process of personal development that we are able to transform our nature and our lives.
We want this first year in our program to be a success for you - a smashing success - and we know that means you will need to have a plan, and then methodically work that plan. It is the combination of the materials and your open attitude towards learning, driven by the diligent following of a plan that is right for you, that will make this year the kind of success we know you want it to be. So let me challenge you to be no less sincere, be no less committed to the advancement of your philosophy, the set of your sail, your plan.
So, what are some good ideas on developing a plan that will work well and take you to the finish line powerfully and in style? Here are some major points to keep in mind (Chris will give you the action steps at the end):
Develop the Plan for You.
Some people are very detail oriented and they will be able to follow an intricate plan closely. Others are a little more "free-wheeling" and not really "detail" people. That is okay too. In all the years of my speaking to audiences worldwide, people have asked the question, "what plan is the right plan?" And my answer, the plan that fits you. Your plan, the one you develop that is unique to you and for you. You see, each of us is unique and motivated by different factors and you've got to develop one that is right for you and fits you.
Some plans will not be as intricate as others but we all must have a plan, along with goals in that plan, to move us along the program. If you are a free spirit type, don't tell yourself you are going to spend 2 hours a day with a book and tapes and journal. It probably won't happen and you will get discouraged! Whatever your personality, your strengths and your weaknesses, develop the plan around them! This is not a one-plan-fits-all proposition.
Establish Times to Spend Working on the Material.
It may be every Sunday night. It may be 20 minutes each morning. It may be in the car listening to the CD's every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Whatever it is, set the times and do it. In your step-by-step plan, put down points that you can accomplish every week. They should be specific and achievable. Develop the discipline and take those steps everyday, which will move you closer to your goals and where you want to be.
Keep a Journal.
Take notes. It may be on paper, it may be on a micro-recorder. Mr. Schoaff taught me not to trust my memory, but to write it down, to find one place to gather the information that affects change. And that advice has served me well all these years. Record the ideas and inspiration that will carry you from where you are to where you want to be. Take notes on the ideas that impact you most. Put down your thoughts and ideas. Brainstorm with yourself on where you are going and what you want to do.
Record your dreams and ambitions.
Your journals are a gathering place for all the valuable information that you will find. If you are serious about becoming wealthy, powerful, sophisticated, healthy, influential, cultured, unique, if you come across something important write it down. Two people will listen to the same material and different ideas will come to each one. Use the information you gather and record it for further reflection, for future debate and for weighing the value that it is to you.
Create time for reflection -- a time to go back over, to study again the things you've learned and the things you've done each day. I call it "running the tapes again" so that the day locks firmly in your memory so that it serves as a tool. As you go through the material in this plan, you will want to spend time reflecting on its significance for you. Regularly set aside time - here are some good guidelines for times to reflect: At the end of the day. Take a few minutes at the end of each day and go back over the day - who'd you talk to, who'd you see, what did they say, what happened and how'd you feel, what went on. A day is the piece of the mosaic of your life. Next, take a few hours at the end of the week to reflect on the week's activities - I would suggest at least one half-hour. Also during that weekly time, take a few minutes to reflect on how this material should be applied to your life and circumstances. Take a half day at the end of the month and a weekend at the end of the year so that y
Set Goals.
While we are going to cover this soon enough in upcoming weeks, let's just remember that your plan is the roadmap for how you are going to get to your goals, so you have to have them. Of all the things that changed my life for the better (and most quickly), it was learning how to set goals. Mastering this unique process can have a powerful affect on your life too. I remember shortly after I met Mr. Schoaff, he asked me if I had a list of my goals, and of course I didn't. He suggested to me that because I lacked a set of clearly defined goals that he could guess my bank balance within a few hundred dollars... and he did!
Well, Mr. Schoaff immediately began helping me define my view of the future, my dreams. He taught me to set goals because it is the greatest influence on a person's future and the greatest force that will pull a person in the direction that they want to go. But the future must be planned, well designed to exert a force that pulls you towards the promise of what can be.
Act on your plan. What separates the successful from the unsuccessful so many times is that the successful simply do it. They take action, they aren't necessarily smarter than others; they just work the plan. And the time to act is when the emotion is strong. Because if you don't, here's what happens - it's called the law of diminishing intent. We intend to act when the idea strikes us, when the emotion is high, but if we delay and we don't translate that into action fairly soon, the intention starts to diminish, diminish and a month from now it's cold and a year from now it can't be found.
So set up the discipline when the idea is strong, clear and powerful - that's the time to work the plan. Otherwise the emotion is wasted unless you capture the emotion and put it into disciplined activities and translate it into equity. And here's what is interesting: all disciplines affect each other; everything affects everything. That's why the smallest action is important -- because the value and benefits that yo
Like we said last week, we are at the beginning of a fantastic journey that is going to help us become all that we want to - so let's get going!
Until next week, let's do something remarkable!
Jim Rohn

Reproduced with permission from Jim Rohn's Weekly E-zine. Copyright 2005 Jim Rohn International. All rights reserved worldwide. To subscribe to Jim Rohn's Weekly E-zine, go to []

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