Monday, December 2, 2019

Being, Doing And Having

When I think of the law of attraction, I think of those three words in the title. In fact, when I think of all auto-suggestion, self-hypnosis and self-convincing, I think of those three words I put into that title, also: Being, doing and having. When a goal is so ingrained in your spirit, soul and mind that it cannot help but come real, it does come down to being, doing and having when really analyzed.
I remember this three-step paradigm that described that process to a tee in this old Frank Rudolph Young book, that described it even better in a short way than many pages of written materials specific to Neurological Mental Control texts or Neuro-Linguistic Programming and self-hypnosis books, it went like this and I will include it here:
Step 1:
(a) Think of whatever goal, dream, or wish you want to come true for about five seconds.
(b) Immediately visualize it as coming true, and maintain that vision for about four seconds.
Step 2:
(a) Think of the goal, dream or wish again for about five seconds. But this time dig deep into your conscious mind for it and drag out its details.
(b) Immediately visualize it again as coming true, and maintain that vision for about four seconds. But visualize it more clearly and completely than before. Let the details fit into it, as if it were actually occurring.
Step 3:
(a) Once more think of that goal, dream or wish for about five seconds. But this time dig so deeply into your mind for it that you extract every possible detail about it.
(b) Immediately visualize it once more as coming true, and maintain that vision for about four seconds. But visualize it so thoroughly in every detail that it seems to "come true" right before your eyes.
I include these steps to simplify my subject and idea into a potent thing that comes down to infinite simplicity, not anything needing "rocket science" or "amazing analysis" to decode. I include Frank Rudolph Young's idea to say that "violently effective goal setting" is not "rocket science", it depends on pure desire and achievement "push" through manipulation of mental energy, spiritual energy and physical energy in that order. In short, that was a fancy way of saying it comes down to being, doing and having and little else. Unless you get more specific about the goal, that is the reality it all comes down to.
My name is Joshua Clayton, I am a freelance writer based in Inglewood, California. I also write under a few pen-names and aliases, but Joshua Clayton is my real name, and I write by that for the most part now. I am a philosophical writer and objective thinker and honest action taker. I also work at a senior center in Gardena, California as my day job, among other things, but primarily I am a writer.

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