Sunday, January 26, 2020

What Is A Niche In Blogging?

Have you ever heard someone say, "She's really found her niche in life?" This refers to someone discovering a career, job or pastime that perfectly suits that person's values, goals and abilities.
The same is true for a niche in blogging. A blogging niche is nothing more than a very focused interest or market.
Niche Blogging
A niche blog may be relevant to a specific industry or age group. It could focus on the needs of a particular ethnic group, geographic area or future goals. If you are someone who relates to hard definitions, and you want to develop a blog that makes a difference and is truly helpful, here's what you need to remember:
"A niche market is a subset of a larger market on which a specific product or service is focused."

So a blogging niche might be scrapbooking for beginners with a passion for scuba diving. Scrapbooking is the large market. Scrapbooking for beginners narrows the focus, and by further narrowing your marketplace to scuba diving enthusiasts who want to take up scrapbooking for the first time, you have an excellent niche marketing opportunity for an authoritative blog.
Create An authoritative Web Presence
Niche marketing is far from a 21st century concept, it has been around forever. Blogs are certainly not new, though they are relevantly new in comparison to niche marketing. When you put the two together, you can create an authoritative web presence which can help people answer big problems in their lives.
Authoritative niche blogging is different from running a website where your goal is to simply get people to click on ads that earn you money. Yes, you may have some type of monetization on your niche blog, but that is not the main intent. Successful niche blogs inform, answer questions, provide solutions and work to develop relationships with their readers and followers.
Choosing A Niche
When choosing which niche you want to blog about, think about a specific problem in a tight marketplace. Don't try to be everything to everyone. When you have a laser targeted approach, you can quickly become an authority figure in your niche.
So think of a marketplace where you want to really make a difference. Then niche down until you have identified a very specific area of focus. Inform, answer questions, help and care about your audience, and your niche blog will never be confused with a spam blog (splog) or autoblog intended solely for revenue generation.

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Thursday, January 23, 2020

Why Creating Great Content Is The Only Online Marketing Strategy You Need To Follow

When you hear the words "online marketing", what comes to your mind? Social Media? Facebook? Search engine optimization? Blogging? WordPress? Or maybe you think about online advertising, pay-per-clicks, and search engine marketing. I believe there is one word that everyone thinks about when they hear the term "online marketing", and that word is "difficult." Online marketing is difficult.
Have you ever talked to a marketing guru about online marketing? Don't they all give the same, vague, generalized advice when it comes to online marketing? First, they tell you to hire a SEO firm, then they tell you to blog, then they tell you to use social media, and after you've done all of this, they tell you that you'll start receiving traffic to your website. Every marketing guru says the exact same thing, and the advice is always vague. Even the in-depth advice about online marketing is vague. Have you ever read an article about online marketing? Try this when you have some free time. Research "online marketing strategies" on Google and click on and read some of the articles. You don't have to look past the first page on Google. Just read some of the top articles that Google returns. This is a compare and contrast exercise. Once you complete this, you'll realize that all these articles sound the same. The first paragraph gives you a brief overview of what online marketing is and why it is so important. Then the list starts. Now after you've completed this exercise, you probably realize that the titles of the article all have something in common; they're all formatted as a top-ten list. They all look like this: "7 Online Marketing Facebook Strategies to Increase your Fan Base." Now, this isn't problem. I like the top-ten list format. It makes the article more appealing to the reader. What I don't like about majority of these articles is that almost everyone's top-ten list is the same. They all give the same online marketing strategies and advice. I mean c'mon; these are the experts! These are professional writers, writing for some of the biggest companies in the world. Why do majority of the articles sound the same? Because again, online marketing is difficult! No one likes to be wrong or give bad advice. The writers are just writing the same vague, generalized advice that the marketing gurus say. I could go on-and-on, especially when it comes to online marketing workshops, but I'm not going to; I think you've gotten the point by now.
In this article, I'm going to attempt to do something that's rarely done. I'm going to attempt to give you original and effective advice about online marketing. I'm going to be completely honest. I will not give you outdated strategies that do not work just to make my article longer. These strategies will work. How do I know? Because, I run a company and they're currently working for me. I have experience in this area and I've made many mistakes in online marketing, so I know what works and what doesn't work. So, without further ado, here are my online marketing strategies that will definitely help your business gain more exposure online.

Online marketing is all about the kind of content you're creating. First of all, the best online marketing strategy is creating content. Hands down! Sure, Facebook likes, retweets and social media shares on other popular social media sites like Pinterest, Instagram, and Reddit are cool, but do they really increase profits for a business? Think about it, how many times do you patronize a business because you liked their Facebook post? Exactly. I believe social media is very powerful but only works if you have great content. Content can be anything. It can be from a very nicely written article to a fashionable t-shirt with a clever phrase on the front. Content can really be anything. I believe majority of the businesses out there think that just posting a catchy post on Facebook along-side an eye-catching photo will increase their consumer base and ultimately their profits. This just isn't true. If online marketing were that easy, everyone, including the average person would be an expert at online marketing. Anything in this world worth having takes hard work and time; the results from an effective online marketing campaign are no different. Creating great content isn't easy; however, when you do create great content, there are so many resources at your disposal that could potentially help that content become viral. Have you ever saw a video on Facebook or YouTube that has hundreds of shares and thousands of likes? The reason that video went viral is because of the content. The average person isn't a marketing guru and doesn't have a social media budget; all they have is their imagination. That's all you need to create great content.
So, now that we've established that creating great content is the best online marketing strategy, I'm going to show you how to create great content. As I stated earlier, creating great, viral worthy content isn't easy. However, there are so many resources to help that content go viral; creating the content is really the only hard part. Creating great content requires research. You have to think about what's trending in the world. Too many marketing gurus think that the only thing that can go viral is a funny YouTube video and that's just not true. If you're not funny, don't try to be funny. You don't have to be funny. Play to your strengths. You just have to be creative, persistent, and use your imagination. There are a lot of things that are trending in the world. Pick one. Create content about a subject that's important to you. The more important it is to you, more than likely, the better the content will be. The next step is to create the content using a media that's popular. There is a reason why videos are more likely to go viral than an article. A great article can go viral, but it will definitely take longer. People enjoy videos more; there's no reading involved in watching a video. Your video doesn't have to be aesthetically appealing and you don't have to be an expert in video editing; it just has to be interesting. And don't worry, you can always learn about video editing and special effects while making the video; it's not exactly rocket science, it just takes a little practice. The next step in creating great, viral worthy content is relating that content back to your business. This might be the hardest part, but, if done correctly, is a game-changer. The ultimate goal is conversions, however, why do you need to convert people through the content? That's the mistake that many marketing gurus make. Great content may not raise your profits right away, but it's not supposed to. The purpose of content marketing is to raise awareness of your business. The profit gains will come in the future, not immediately. As long as the content relates back to your business (in some kind of way), you're good. The next step in writing great content is your content has to solve a problem. Consumers have problems, even if that problem is ignorance, meaning, not knowing enough about a particular subject. Great content solves problems and enlightens consumers. That's why great content goes viral. Consumers share things that they've recently learned because everyone has the inner-urge to help someone else in need.
So, let's recap. The best online marketing strategy is creating great content. There are five steps to creating great content:
  1. Pick a topic that's trending
  2. Use a popular medium to create the content (i.e. WordPress)
  3. Relate the content back to your business
  4. Make sure the content solves a problem or enlightens consumers about a particular subject.
  5. The last and easiest step in this process is to share the content, everywhere.
When sharing the content, use every avenue you can think of. Social Media, Blog, YouTube, PR, press releases, etc. Don't be stingy. Great content is meant to be shared with the world. See, I told you I'd give you advice that actually works. Stop worrying about all that other stuff, like building backlinks using automated software. Google hates that anyway, but that's another subject for another day. Take care!
Allen Screen

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Saturday, January 11, 2020

30 minutes to spend $ 5,000

I saw this posted in another group, and was interested to see how quickly people came up with ideas to spend all the money on consumables, furniture, electronics, vacations, etc. So I figured I'd post it here to see how the entrepreneur/investor mindset differs from the standard consumer mindset! If you had $5K to spend in a store in 30 minutes, but the end goal was to find a way to generate even more money with the products you bought, what would you buy?! How would you implement your plan?

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Mindset Vs Skill - How to Succeed in Business

An online mentor of mine, Jennifer Allwood, shares that "business is 20% strategy and 80% mindset". While the "strategy" of a business is very important, to be successful you must have the right mindset about yourself, your company and your customers.
If you are a small business owner and you are looking for the "secret strategy" to change your business, you could spend all of your time in search of strategy. For example, scroll through Facebook and you will see the 100's of trainers, coaches and experts who are trying to sell you the latest "gadget" for success.
Stop enrolling in every Free Group and Free Download that you see. You are WASTING your time by chasing a shiny new object that is just not out there.
Learn the skills you need, know your audience, and stay plugged in to your industry. After that? It's all about Mindset.
How do you know if you have a mindset problem?
You keep searching for the "right" skill, the "right" training or that "right" coach that will give you the Magic Pill or Secret Sauce for success. Here are a few examples that might indicate you have a mindset problem:
  • Complain about the success of others
  • Enroll in every course/training you see on social media
  • Continue to ask for the Right Words to describe your product or what you do
  • Buy every planner in search of a better system
  • Always busy but not completing Income Producing Activities
  • Not consistent in small, daily activities
If you are searching constantly for skills, then you don't believe in yourself or your business. To succeed, you need the mindset component along with the skills.
Subconscious Mind
Your Subconscious Mind runs the show based on unfiltered information known as beliefs. Your Mind believes everything that you think. For example, when you say these things, your mind believes it:
  • Why am I so stupid?
  • I will never get that promotion.
  • I'm not very pretty.
  • I'm not smart enough.
  • I'll never be successful like "Suzy".
Each and every time you say these phrases out loud and in your mind, your brain believes the statement! Next, you must learn how to change your mindset.

How to Change Your Mindset?
If we know that changing our mindset is key, then why are we not doing it? And most importantly how do we change our mindset? It's not easy, but keep it simple and you can Change Your Mindset!
There are several recommendations that I can make for changing your mindset.
  • Personal Development?-?I highly recommend Mel Robbins and her resources.
  • Daily Affirmations! Write them on your bathroom mirror or maybe a Pinterest board.
  • Eliminate Distractions and get new friends
  • Don't allow yourself to say negative things about yourself
  • Make it an everyday habit
To get the life you want, you must let go of old limiting beliefs. Tackle the mindset beliefs that are keeping you from moving forward, keeping you from reaching your greatness!
If you have a small business, please know that you must have the skills for your business. But, you must also have the right mindset for success. You need skills and mindset!
How do you continually feed your mindset?
Dr. Olivieri is a communication and presentation expert who has given over 1,000 presentations and written 100+ training manuals, articles and reports. Dr. Olivieri retired in 2017 at age 51 from Mississippi State University where she worked in Information Technology Infrastructure and taught in the College of Business. Today, Dr Olivieri helps others create a life they love! 

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MORNING MOTIVATION - Motivational Video for Success in Life - Tony Robbins Motivation

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Quotes of the day...

Most great people have attained their greatest success one step beyond their greatest failure.

Napoleon Hill

“When you are grateful, fear disappears and abundance appears.” -Tony Robbins

Top Ten Ways to Take the Fear Out of Public Speaking

Many college students fear public speaking more than falling into a pit of snakes, being attacked by an alligator or swimming with sharks. I had a frustrated student stop by my office one morning. He was majoring in engineering and had been pursuing his degree for over 6 years. He shared a story of attempting to take the public speaking course several times and becoming overwhelmed with the fear of giving a speech in front of a student audience. He decided that the course I was teaching was his last chance. After experiencing several failures, he made the decision to give up his engineering career if he did not pass my speech class. I told him that success in my course was possible. I also informed him that you can't eliminate some anxiety that goes with giving a speech. I further explained that there are several ways to manage public speaking anxiety.
There are many ways to manage the fear of presenting a speech. Here's my Top 10 list of suggestions:
1. Try power posing. Prior to your presentation, find a private location and stand with a powerful posture. For example, think of the pose used by Wonder Woman or Superman. The power posing researchers indicate that standing for a few minutes with a powerful posture will leave you more confident when it comes time to speak.
2. Take a few minutes to locate the room where you are speaking, check out the lighting and the technology. Fear of the unknown increases anxiety. I remember attending a convention in a large Detroit hotel. In the evening I visited the room where I was presenting the next day. I also saw other presenters checking out their presentation rooms. I was more comfortable the next day because I was familiar with the room environment and technology.
3. Get some exercise. Medical research demonstrates the value of daily exercise in reducing anxiety. On the day of your presentation, take a brisk walk or do some exercises to help you relax. But don't overdo it. You don't want to appear to your audience like you just finished a marathon.
4. Avoid caffeine. Energy drinks, coffee and too much dark chocolate for some speakers will increase their anxiety. Nervous gestures, voice and problems with your outline can be the result of too much caffeine in you diet.
5. Take a few deep breaths. Taking deep breaths will lower your pulse rate. Taking a few deep breaks before presenting will help you to relax.
6. Keep breathing. Emergency specialist say that many victims of a trauma stop their regular breathing habits. They often instruct the victim to focus on their breathing and move back to a regular breathing pattern. If your speech is a traumatic experience for you, then its important to think about your breathing patterns.
7. Pause for a minute. Professional speakers use this technique. It's okay to pause for a minute or two before beginning your speech. It's a great way to get your mind focused on the speech outline and away from your anxious feelings.
8. Use positive affirmations. Our minds work like a stage. You can't hold positive and negative thoughts on the stage of your mind at the same time. The negative thoughts will push the positive ones off the stage. Think positive thoughts. Imagine your audience giving you a standing ovation at the end of your presentation.
9. View nurturing pictures. Recent research indicates that viewing nurturing, caring, positive pictures will increase your confidence and reduce anxiety. Locate a picture of a family member or friend, or your pet dog or cat. Focus a couple of minutes on the pictures and watch your speech anxiety melt away.
10. Practice, Practice, Practice and then practice some more. Practicing is the best way to manage your anxiety. Professional speakers rehearse their speeches 10-12 times.
Public speaking anxiety is a way of life for many presenters. Learn to channel the anxiety into energy in your presentation. The next time you are feeling speech anxiety, think about the many ways that you can use to manage that anxiety and present a great speech.

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